GDPR is finally here!!
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is effective from the 25th May 2018. The GDPR aims to strengthen the security and protection of personal data in the EU and will replace the European Privacy Directive and national legislations accordingly.
Here at WDSSL we are committed to complying with the new GDPR and we assume that all documents we scan will contain personal data and submit it to the following compliance requirements listed below:
- As the 'processor' we will only act on the written instructions of our clients or 'the controller'
- We will ensure all employees, and where applicable, subcontractors are aware of the importance of GDPR and are subjected to a duty of confidentiality
- We will only employ a sub-contractor with the consent of our customer
- We will delete and/or return all personal data as requested to the customer at the end of the project
- We ensure we take appropriate measures with regards to the security of document processing
- We help the customer to provide data subject access to allow data subjects to exercise their rights under the new GDPR
- We will help our customers meet their own GDPR obligations with regards to the security of processing personal data & to notify of any personal data breaches
- We will complete regular audits and provide our customers with any information they require to help them meet their GDPR obligations and inform them immediately if asked to do something that breaches GDPR